24 days of Perl code from RJBS! Feed

A Place to Shove Your Settings

Data::Hive - 2010-12-09

Because 132 Fields Ought To Be Enough for Anybody

A long time ago, I inherited a lot of shares in a pretty crufty old system. Like almost everything else you're likely to find at a small software place, it had a bunch of objects that it stored in relational database -- and like you'd find a lot of places, there weren't enough tables. (I once heard this problem described as, "It's like some programmers think that they're charged by the table.") We had thousands of rows, each with well over a hundred fields, and we'd end up finding great stuff like this:

  mysql> SELECT use_oxford_comma, COUNT(*)
       > FROM customers
       > GROUP BY use_oxford_comma;

  | use_oxford_comma | COUNT(*) |
  | NULL             |    89162 |
  | 1                |        8 |
  | yes              |        1 |

Creating extra tables for this sort of setting was the right thing to do, but that would've been a lot of tables, and let's face it: there is a charge per table. You have to add the table, add the class to your ORM, and update queries. Query costs change when you add more FKs between tables. We wanted to strike a balance between hundreds of rarely-used table and only one enormous table by offloading weird nearly-one-off data someplace else. The answer was pseudo-structured data storage in a key-value store. Not MongoDB or CouchDB or something like that, mind you -- just a table that looks something like this:



CREATE TABLE customer_hive (
  customer_id INTEGER REFERENCES customers (id),
  hive_key STRING,
  hive_val STRING,
  UNIQUE KEY (customer_id, hive_key)


What are the hive key and value? The key is a materialized path for the value, which is just, well, a value. Every value can only be typed as a string, but that's okay. If we get worried about the type, we'll move the data to its own table later. So, what do entries in this table look like? Maybe something like this:

  mysql> SELECT hive_key, hive_val FROM customer_hive WHERE customer_id = 123;

  | hive_key                                  | hive_val |
  | formatting.use_oxford_comma               |   always |
  | formatting.spaces_after_period            |        2 |
  | reports                                   |        1 |
  | reports.activity.daily.include_moon_phase |        1 |

So we're really storing something like this:

                                    /      \
                                   /        \
                         formatting          \
                            /      \          reports: 1
        use_oxford_comma: always    \               \
                                     \              activity
                        spaces_after_period: 2            \
                                                          include_moon_phase: 1

(Notice that this can't be represented as a hash, because we have parts of the hierarchy, like reports that have both values and subtrees!)

What we needed next was a convenient way to access these data, and that's where Data::Hive came in to play.

Yet Another Hashes-as-Objects Schema

We called this structure a hive, in honor of the Windows registry -- always a good role model for software design. We wanted it to be as simple to use for new data as possible, so we could just plow forward with new code and never think about how the settings were being saved. If the setting became important or significantly-used, we could move it, later, to a more strictly-typed part of the schema. For now, the goal was to allow for rapid development. The interface for setting up a hive like the one above would be:



my $hive = Data::Hive->NEW( ... );




...and maybe later...



if ($hive->formatting->use_oxford_comma->GET('never')) { # never = default


That's it! Now, we didn't have to predeclare any of the potential structure of our hive -- that would not be simple enough. So, how did these methods work? Well, we're using another usually-the-wrong-solution feature of Perl, autoloading. As you call not-all-caps methods, you just keep getting back another proxy object for the path you build. Eventually, you call something like GET or SET or DELETE to deal with the underlying data.

Hooking it All Up

So, where is the underlying data? Data::Hive doesn't care. Its concern is mapping the path-descending interface to something else -- and that something else is a storage driver. In other words, "bring your own underlying data access code." For the sake of testing, it comes with some simple storage drivers that store hives in hashrefs. This isn't too useful, though, because we (or I, at least) want to use hives to store persistent data. Fortunately, one of our drivers can store to anything implementing a set of CGI.pm-like params methods.

We also don't just want standalone hives. We want hives that are associated with other objects. We want to be able to decorate any arbitrary object with a hive to add ad hoc hierarchical data to an object. We looked at a system for doing this in last year's calendar; there was a whole article about Mixin::ExtraFields. (You might want to review it.) ExtraFields also has storage drivers, some of which persist the extra fields into databases. There's also a Data::Hive-specific subclass that lets you associate hives with objects just like you can extras.

What does that mean? It means that for any object you want, you can write something like this:



package MyApp::Customer;

use Mixin::ExtraFields::Hive -hive => {
  driver => {
    class => 'DBIC',
    schema => sub { MyApp::Schema->connect(...) },
    rs_moniker => 'CustomerHive',
    name_column => 'hive_key',
    value_column => 'hive_val',


That little use statement means that we can now write:



my $formatting_hive = $customer->hive->formatting;



...and all the changes will be made for us in a DBIx::Class-managed table, without any need to worry about how it works. Later, we can change the backend for storage and nothing needs to know.

See Also